If you are facing drug possession charges, you may be concerned about the cost of legal fees and other expenses associated with your case. Over time, mounting a defense against any criminal charges may cost you more money than you expect. Just like any other criminal charge, defending yourself against possession charges has a few hidden expenses that you might not think of. Below are a few that you should ask your lawyer about before you begin.
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If you have been out drinking with friends, the last thing you want to come across on your way home is a sobriety checkpoint. Even if you do not think you are legally drunk, seeing a manned sobriety roadblock up ahead can cause your heart to pound and your palms to sweat. Although the officers are simply doing their job, what they are doing may, or may not, be legal. If they are illegal, this may allow your DUI attorney to have have your evidence suppressed, and your charges dismissed.
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It's a well-known fact that you can be sentenced to jail, ordered to pay fines, and have your license stripped away if you are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, a DUI conviction can negatively impact your life in ways you may not have anticipated. Here are three unexpected consequences you may face if you lose your DUI case.
Bad Credit
To be clear, a DUI conviction will not show up on your credit report, at least not directly.
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