People are falsely accused of crimes all the time. Regardless of the crime – theft, rape, fraud, etc., an innocent individual's life is torn apart. Here are three things that you should do when you are being falsely accused of any type of crime:
#1 – Remain Silent
If police begin to question you, it is in your best interest to remain silent and avoid answering any questions. You may think that you must answer their questions, and they may make you think that you are required to answer their questions, but you don't have to and you aren't.
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Just because you have the legal right to represent yourself in court doesn't mean that you should, especially when it comes to DUI cases. There is a lot that you may not be aware of that could damage your case. To help you understand the importance of retaining a DUI attorney to represent you, you will want to read the following points.
You Could End Up Disrupting The Court Process
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Most people think of personal injury law and criminal law as two totally separate sects of the law. However, it is not at all uncommon for both of these areas of law to be part of a case. The fact is, sometimes people are injured as a result of someone doing something criminal and sometimes criminal charges come out as a result of a personal injury. If you are facing a personal injury case in which someone or some entity is directly responsible, you could find yourself in this odd territory where two law forms collide.
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Being responsible when operating a car on public roads is one of the most important tasks that you can do. Unfortunately, being a distracted, impaired or otherwise negligent driver can have devastating effects on the lives of anyone that is involved in an accident with you. When individuals make the mistake of operating a car after they have been drinking, they can put themselves at risk of both being in an accident and being arrested for driving under the influence.
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Very few mistakes are serious enough to derail the course of your life, but without taking the proper precautions, a charge of driving under the influence may have that potential. However, if you have open and honest communication with your attorney, you may be able to avoid that derailment and guarantee that you can progress down the right track.
Forming that communication bond requires you to get answers that can help guide you through the legal process.
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