DUI And The Law: Crucial Knowledge

16 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Every driver who uses alcohol or drugs and then gets behind the wheel of their vehicle runs the risk of being charged with driving under the influence (DUI). This can obviously have very serious consequences if you are found guilty. The following article offers some critical knowledge everyone should know about DUIs. 

BAC Level

You will be charged with a DUI if you have consumed alcohol and your blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 or higher. This applies in all 50 states of the United States. A level below 0.08 may apply, however, in some jurisdictions. Also, some states might have a lower limit for certain types of drivers. For example, commercial drivers typically have a BAC limit of 0.04, while a driver under the age of 21 can be in violation of the law for a BAC as low as 0.01 percent.

It's important to note that several factors other than the amount of alcohol you have consumed influence your BAC. If you have consumed alcohol with a meal, that will usually give you a lower BAC than if you had consumed some drinks on an empty stomach. Your body fat can also be a factor because fat cells do not metabolize alcohol as quickly as other cells.

Pulled Over

Your response when you are pulled over can either help or hurt you regarding a DUI charge. First, make certain that you pull over in a safe location, turn off the car and put your hands on the steering wheel. A crucial point to keep in mind is that you must give the officer your name, license, and registration as well as your insurance information, but you should not answer any potentially incriminating questions. So, if the officer asks you how much you have had to drink or similar questions, you should stand on your right to remain silent.


Legal experts advise against taking any field tests at the scene if you are stopped for suspicion of a DUI. Although refusing a field sobriety test or a breathalyzer at the scene will probably result in the suspension of your license, this is much less of a problem than acquiescing to a test that could incriminate you and result in a conviction. The law will typically require you, however, to either take a blood test or a breathalyzer at the police station. Experts recommend that you take a breathalyzer if given a choice between the two because they are usually less accurate.

To discover more about DUI offenses, contact a DUI attorney in your town.